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Where there are no cars: see 6 cities in the world!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many may be surprised to hear such words. But it's true. Check out 6 cities in the world where there are no cars.

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We all know how car noise and fumes pollute our environment. So if the car is not there, think about the environment there! Today's report mentions 6 cities that have no motorized vehicles.

Mackinac Island, Michigan

Mackinac Island in Lake Horn, Michigan. Only 500 people have settled here permanently. Apart from permanent settlements, this city has many people. But the number of these people only increases for tourists. There are also hotels and motels for tourists. But there is a warning posted for everyone - 'No cars allowed here'. That is, this city is a car-free city.

Where there is no car

Fire Island, New York

Many people do not know how this city got its name. But in this city of fire there is an unimaginable peace. There are no cars here. This small island has a pleasant atmosphere without car fumes.

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Gatehorn in the Netherlands

It is again a wonderful city. Instead of roads, the Nordic town of Gaethorn has narrow canals. In other words, the arrangement of boat movement has been kept. It is called the Venice of the North. There is no car horn, noise or smoke. The entire natural environment has made this city a paradise. Many tourists come here every day. Tourists travel by boat. Enjoy a pleasant natural environment without smoke.

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Hydra of Greece

It is an island. The main city of Hydra Port. Hydra lies between the Saronic and Argolic gulfs. It is indeed a classic Greek city. There are mountains, seas and rows of houses under the hills. But there is no car.

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Venice, Italy

City of Venice, Italy. The Roman Empire fell in the 5th century. Venice is the most famous city without cars.

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Fear of Germany

Bonn is a small town in Germany. There are no cars in this town. This is basically how the city was built. The city is also established ecologically, economically and socially.
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