The Dhaka Times
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Joya has conquered the entire Kolkata!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi actress Jaya Ahsan has been cheering all over Kolkata. In one word, Jaya has conquered the entire Kolkata.

Joya has charmed Kolkata

In the crowd of Bengali actresses in Kolkata, why did an actress from Bangladesh win so much? This question may come up. But in terms of reality, it seems so. One of the reasons for this is that Bangladeshi actress Jaya Ahsan, among many others, along with Jaya Ahsan, Kanchan Mallick and Ena Saha, were mesmerized by the performance of Bangladeshi actress Jaya Ahsan at the opening screening of the film 'Rajkahini'. It is known that various positive comments are being written about 'Rajkahini' on social media including Facebook and various blogs. Jaya Ahsan's performance is mentioned separately in these writings.

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India's famous news media Times of India also published criticism of the movie 'Rajkahini' online. There too Jaya's performance was praised. Jaya's emotional scene with Rudranil in 'Rajkahini' is also mentioned separately. That being said, even in this small scene, Jaya has proved her acting skills.

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On the other hand, Jaya is currently in Kolkata. He said, he is enjoying the puja time in Kolkata very much. Going to different places of worship every day. He said, 'This is the first time I am in Kolkata during the puja. I went to two pujamandap for the promotion of the film. Now mother is with me. I took my mother with me to a few more puja mandaps. Currently, there is no way to go out with a car on the road. You have to walk. That day I walked from Goal Park to Jodhpur Park. I can't tell you how far it will be.' Jaya Ahsan has now become a familiar face to the people of Kolkata. He also said that he got the proof himself while walking on the way to Kolkata.

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It is to be noted that the movie 'Rajkahini' was released in theaters on October 16. Srijit Mukhopadhyay produced the film 'Rajkahini' in the context of the partition of India in 1947.

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