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Duplicate Obama? Appearance can change the fate of people!

The Dhaka Times Desk Obama's duplicate has been found. This appearance can change the fate of people, this is the proof! That person lives in China.

Appearance change the destiny of mankind

That person in China looks exactly like Obama! But that's not really the point, the point is that because of this look, his fortunes are beginning to unravel! Now that person is earning 1500 dollars in 10 minutes!

According to media reports, China's fake Obama news was published a few years ago. There has been a fuss about this everywhere. However, China's Obama-famous Xiao Jiga did not know anything about this. One reason is that Xiao was a very poor man at the time. Worked as a general night guard. With the little money he got, he had no time to read the news due to the tension of the family. But with the help of friends, now he has become a star.

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According to news media, this poor night guard Siaw currently earns 1500 dollars in 10 minutes. It is not a difficult task. Go to a rally or seminar and act exactly like Obama. After a few days of practice, he mastered it completely. Now using that strategy is earning thousands of dollars every day!

News of Obama's resemblance to Sehar first surfaced during the 2008 US presidential election. After Barack Obama was elected, his news spread everywhere. But Siao did not keep these news then. One day, Xiao Jiga cut her hair very short. Then one of his friends said, you look exactly like Barack Obama. Siao then asked who is Obama again? The friend gave details about US President Obama. Then this news gradually spread everywhere. Journalists rush to Xiao Jiga. After that, Ciao Jiga got star fame.

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But if he gets fame or what is the benefit, will it change his day? Xiao Jiga is calm. He continued to work as before. But recently, when his friends mentioned such a strategy, the proposal struck him. Siao then proceeded to impersonate Obama. Siao Jiga was also successful in that.

This Chinese person, Xiao Jiga, said in one of his reactions to the media, 'I am very happy because my face is exactly the same as Obama's. I want to see him directly at least once in my life. I have similar looks to Obama, and we are close in age. And blood group is one of us!

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