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Now Mastercard identity will be identified in the face!

The Dhaka Times Desk Thanks to information technology, people are rushing towards maximum opportunities. Until now Mastercard money could be withdrawn with a password, but now Mastercard identity will be recognized by face.

Mastercard & identify the look

Thanks to information technology, people are rushing towards maximum opportunities. Until now Mastercard money could be withdrawn with a password, but now Mastercard identity will be recognized by face.

Multinational financial services provider Mastercard is testing this new app for smartphones. This app uses 'Facial Recognition' system, which will identify the identity of the user by looking at his face. According to the BBC, the user needs to hold the smartphone in his hand to the selfie-style camera before making the transaction. Transactions can be made only after the user's face is recognized.

"The new generation, who are obsessed with selfies, I think it will appeal to them," MasterCard security expert Ajoy Bhalla told CNN. Another security expert described the new service as an 'extra layer of security'.

But Ken Munro, a security researcher at Penn Test Partners, isn't so optimistic. He said, 'Google introduced facial recognition on Android phones, but they faced many problems early on.'

According to media reports, MasterCard is going to launch this new service as an alternative to software-based security codes for security.

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