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In the country that people drink human blood!

Michelle knows all of the people she drinks blood from personally; she knows they have been tested to prevent disease.

The Dhaka Times Desk Humans drinking human blood is practically unheard of. But this time it was heard that people drink human blood!

Michelle knows all of the people she drinks blood from personally; she knows they have been tested to prevent disease.

Just like a fairy tale. Because vampires exist in fairy tales. But people who drink human blood exist in the real world! Surprisingly, this is true. The Raktakheko community lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. This community regularly drinks human blood.

BBC magazine recently published a report on the bloodied men. Researcher John Edgar Browning went among the people of that community and directly interviewed different people. Seen their lifestyle very closely.

drink the blood-2

According to the report, these bloodthirsty people suck the blood from the donors. Much like the vampires seen in the movies. Many people in those areas even drink blood mixed with tea and other foods.

Much like fictional vampires. Not only do they eat blood, but also have physical contact with blood donors! Many of them study and work regularly.

According to news media, they are very careful about one thing. That is - children's education and they keep their identity hidden there. Parents keep their identity a secret because of the fear that many people will not mix with them or look askance at their child's educational institution.

Bloodthirsty people are surprised by the question whether there are any problems in the body due to drinking human blood. It is not a problem, but because of drinking blood, many problems are relieved - he claimed.

People who drink blood claim that they get rid of various problems like depression, headache and stomach ache by drinking blood.

Although blood is used in the treatment of diseases, there is considerable doubt among doctors about the benefits of drinking blood in this way for the body. Doctors said that by drinking the blood of others, deadly diseases such as HIV, hepatitis B or C can spread in the drinker's body.

But the doctors are not paying attention to the talk, they are bloodthirsty. Their claim is that these are nothing but nonsense. They have no problem with fictional vampires or Dracula. Many people do not know the story of bloodsucking Dracula!

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