The Dhaka Times
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The private car is now on the roof of the house!

The Dhaka Times Desk We all know that private cars ply on roads. But that's why the private car got on the roof of the house! One such incident happened.

private car on roof of house

Everything in this world goes according to rules. But in this world of rules, various irregularities are constantly happening. One such irregular story is that a drunk driver, while avoiding traffic, started his car so forcefully that the car flew at high speed and landed on the roof of a house on the side of the road!

The owner of the house on the roof of which the private car climbed was sitting at home watching TV. The owner of the house, 83-year-old Joyce Kingsley, suddenly heard a very loud noise. But he could not understand where the voice came from. The old woman ran out of necessity. But he could not see anything.

But when he got home he guessed the commotion might be somewhere on the roof. Then the old woman could not believe what she saw with her own eyes. And mother! He saw an entire private car hanging on his wooden roof! Again the sound is coming out from that car. Later he realized that a private car had flown and appeared on his roof. He was surprised! Is such an event actually possible? But he saw that it really happened. After the matter became known, the people of the area are gathering to see the private car.

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