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Michael Jackson's income after death!

The Dhaka Times Desk World famous pop star Michael Jackson's income continues even after death! Not only that, but his income is increasing!

Michael Jackson

As the saying goes, 'even if an elephant dies, lakhs of taka'. Famous people don't go down in price even after they die. Such evidence was found in the case of the world-famous pop king Michael Jackson. Revenue from sales of his music recordings continues to grow posthumously. Sales of Michael Jackson's recorded music made £75m this year. Not only that, 1 billion song recordings have been sold worldwide even after Michael Jackson's death.

Michael Jackson-2

According to financial magazine Forbes, Michael Jackson has been at the top of popularity for more than three decades. The iconic singer earned £719 million in his lifetime. However, after his death in 2009, Jackson's music sales generated £653 million.

Michael Jackson performs live on stage, 1996. (Photo by Phil Dent/Redferns)

It should be noted that after the death of Michael Jackson, from 2009, 65 million pounds were earned every year from the sale of music recordings. Not only did Michael record more songs than any famous late artist, he also earned more than any living artist.

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