The Dhaka Times
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If you smile, the computer will start!

The Dhaka Times Desk Researchers are working on inventing a new technology for computers. If you smile, the computer will turn on. It will work much like a password.

Just turn on computer to smile

How many types of smiles can people have? People can overcome many things with a smile. Now you can control the computer with this smile. Researchers are going to invent a new type of technology for computers. In this technology, the computer will be able to recognize gestures, body language and facial expressions.

Nowadays users can operate computer PC by voice commands through virtual assistant software like click, type, search and Siri.

Colorado State University (CSU) researchers said, 'The way people use smiles, frowns, directions and various sounds in face-to-face communication with each other. It can also be compared with him. The name of our project is Communication through Gesture, Expression and Shared Perception.

The researcher also said, 'Currently, communication between humans and computers is very limited. At first this communication was only one-way. Humans only give instructions to computers. But nowadays computer has become our companion. It can do a lot of complex work.' The researchers said, such technology is needed now to be able to continue the conversation with the computer.

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