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For the crime of wearing short clothes...

The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times short dresses have declined in popularity. Not only in Muslim society, it is now going to become a forbidden garment in almost all societies. Recently, a woman was not allowed to board a flight to Delhi for the crime of wearing short clothes!

Indigo Airlines

The passenger's name is Puravi. The passenger was wearing a short dress. He came to Mumbai, India from Doha, Qatar wearing a short dress. But there was a problem, because the airline did not allow him to board the plane because he was wearing short clothes.

Such a dangerous incident happened while traveling from Mumbai to Delhi. The Indigo Airlines officials did not allow the woman to board the Delhi-bound flight on the pretext of her short dress. Because the dress was too short! The incident happened at Mumbai airport last Monday.

The passenger Puravi Das wrote on his Facebook page, 'He first came to Mumbai from Doha Airport in Qatar. At that time she was wearing a frock, which ended just above the knee. The Islamic State of Qatar's airport also raised no objection to the frock. But the ground staff of Indigo Airlines in Mumbai felt that the frock was too short! Bitches on knees and thighs peeking out from under the clothes, after which no woman is allowed to board a plane.'

Although the passenger was supposed to go to Delhi in IndiGo flight, he could not board the scheduled flight due to the inflexible attitude of the airline officials. In the end, after changing the frock to trousers at the airport, the female passenger was allowed to board another flight to Delhi!

NDTV online news also said that after getting to know the matter, the IndiGo authorities said that a sister of the passenger is working in IndiGo. When the employee or his/her family members board IndiGo Airlines under the travel package provided by the company, they are required to follow certain dress code. Passengers coming to India from Qatar were forced to follow the same rules that day.

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