The Dhaka Times Desk There is no end to how much more there is to see. One such exceptional event is the lifting of the body from the grave to be blessed!
Different types of superstitions grow among people at different times. People put their faith to work that way. All the events that happen in different communities. How many people do nothing under faith. As one person did. Finally lifted the body from the grave to be blessed! Such a strange belief and trust was born in a village in Indonesia. There, the dead are raised from the grave, to bless the living again!
Every three years the dead are exhumed. The deceased is then dressed. Then the village is rotated.
According to media reports, the name of this social event in Indonesia is 'Mamis Ma Nen' which means to clean the dead body. Such acts are performed to seek peace of the person's soul and to seek blessings from the deceased. Actually people do what they believe. This is one such event!