The Dhaka Times
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Dear friend when poisonous snake!

The Dhaka Times Desk When we hear about snakes, we tremble with fear. That poisonous snake can be a human friend again. One such child was found to live with snakes all the time.

Dear friends, when poisonous snakes

The incident took place in Ghatampur, 15 km from Uttar Pradesh, India. A girl named Nazneen lives in a slum there, she will be 10 years old. He lives with poisonous snakes for 24 hours.

In her response, Nazneen told the media, 'These snakes are my dear friends. I sleep with them, spend time with them. I even eat together with them.'

According to media reports, when Nazneen was 2 years old, the people around her called her as a mermaid. Because Nazneen used to eat, play, even sleep with snakes.

Nazneen doesn't go to school to talk to snakes, sing to them and play with them. The most interesting thing is that when Nazneen sleeps, the snakes guard Nazneen.

Nazneen's father says that snakes are her dearest friend from the moment Nazneen realizes it after birth. He has no attraction for anything else. He plays with snakes all the time. We tried hard to separate him from the snake. Our efforts did not yield any result. He has no fear of being with snakes, he spends time happily. So some call Nazneen the daughter of the snake, and some say the goddess of the snake.

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