The Dhaka Times
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1300-year-old tree found in China!

The Dhaka Times Desk A 1300 year old tree has been found in China. It is a Texas Chinese tree found in Hunan province. According to botanists, these trees have been in China for about 25 million years!

China's 1300-year-old tree

According to media reports, although these trees are quite large in size, the number of seeds in the fruit is small and the rate of new plant growth from those seeds is also very low. Due to which the number of these trees is decreasing day by day. Local residents take care of these trees as best they can.

According to media reports, this particular species of tree was found during tree counting in Hunan province this year. Later, the experts checked and said that the age of this particular tree will be more than 1300 years.

On the other hand, the researchers seem to have eaten up this tree. They are researching this particular species of old tree in various ways.

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