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If the skin color was white, I would have received the Nobel Prize - Yoga Guru Ramdev!

The Dhaka Times Desk Expressing his regrets, India's popular yoga guru Ramdev said, "If my skin color was white, I would have won the Nobel Prize."

Guru Ramdev

India's widely discussed yoga guru Baba Ramdev said, "If my skin color was white, I would have won the Nobel Prize." He thinks, otherwise, he deserved the Nobel Prize in recognition of his many years of pursuit of yoga, curing the incurable diseases of so many people, all the good works of so many years. Only skin color stood in the way of his receiving this award. As the reason for this, he claimed that only the Shetangas are selected as worthy of receiving the Nobel Prize. And that's why he didn't get the Nobel Prize just because of his skin color. His firm belief is that if only his skin was a little whiter, he would have received the Nobel Prize.

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Baba Ramdev expressed his regret about not getting the Nobel while participating in a yoga camp in Ranchi, India on Saturday. He made this comment in the presence of Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das.

As this comment of Ramdev Baba was revealed, various discussions and criticisms are going on all over India. Social media has become abuzz with Ramdev's Nobel related comments and claims.

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