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Alien found in California! [video]

Weird alien form on ground

The Dhaka Times Desk Aliens are sometimes reported in the media. But the news shows that aliens have come and gone. But this time there is visual evidence. Alien found in California!

wierd alien form on ground

According to media reports, a woman saw a strange animal behind a house in California. With this, various smokestacks are created there. Later researchers came and commented that it was originally alien. However, there is still disagreement on this issue.

A picture of the muddy, pink and half-grown creature went viral on social media. Various discussions and even researches have started on this picture.

Gianna Pepnis, who posted a photo of the creature from California, said on the internet: 'I heard some screeching behind my house at 11.30 last night. I quickly came out and saw this thing lying. When I see it, it seems dead.'

On that day, the light was seen in the sky of California for a long time. Many people were afraid of it. Many locals consider it a UFO.

Later, however, it is known that this light was seen due to the missile test being carried out at sea. However, so far no statement has been released about this alien. But it has gone viral on social media. Everyone thinks it will get a proper identity.

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