Categories: special news

Breaking News: Nur Hossain is currently in Narayanganj after being handed over at night

The Dhaka Times Desk India handed over Noor Hossain, the main accused in the sensational Narayanganj 7 murder case, to Bangladesh at around 11:30 pm. Currently Nur Hossain is in Narayanganj.

India handed over Noor Hossain, the main accused in the sensational Narayanganj 7 murder case, to Bangladesh at around 11:30 pm. Currently Nur Hossain is in Narayanganj.

Noor Hossain was brought out of West Bengal's Dumdum jail on Thursday before being handed over to Bangladesh and brought to the Benapole border and handed over to Bangladesh at night. Narayanganj has been brought in a special prohara at night. He will be produced in court today.

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Within a day of extraditing ULFA leader Anup Chetia, India sent back the accused in the Bangladesh murder case.

In 2014, after killing 7 people including Narayanganj Councilor Nazrul Islam, Nur Hossain escaped to India and was caught. He was kept in Dum Dum Jail in West Bengal. A case was later filed against him for illegal entry.

It should be noted that on April 27, 2014, 7 people including Councilor Nazrul Islam and lawyer Chandan Sarkar were abducted from Lamapara of Fatulla on Dhaka-Narayanganj Link Road. After 3 days their bodies were found in Shitalakshya river. Shahidul Islam, the father-in-law of the deceased Nazrul, alleged at that time that Awami League leader of Siddhirganj Noor Hossain had committed the murder by paying Tk 6 crore to RAB. Later, RAB's internal investigation also found evidence of its authenticity.

This post was last modified on নভেম্বর ১৩, ২০১৫ 9:23 am

Staff reporter

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