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Can human legs be so long? [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Can human legs be so long? This has never been seen before. This time really found a woman whose legs are unusually long!

long legs

The long-legged woman named Holly Burt is a citizen of the United States. 6 feet 5 inches tall. Recently, 20-year-old girl Holly Burt wrote her name as the owner of the longest legs in the United States. Although there are many such tall girls, none have long legs like Bart. Holly Burt's legs are 49.5 inches in length. The previous record for the longest leg in the country was held by model Lauren Williams - her leg length was 49 inches.

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Despite having a bitter experience at school due to these long legs, Bart feels that over time his legs have become an attraction to people. According to a report in the Daily Mirror, not only Bart, but all his family members are tall. His mother is 6 feet 1 inches tall, father is 6 feet 3 and sister is 6 feet tall. Bert says he likes to play sports. Bart started playing basketball at the age of 7 and football at the age of 10.

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Burt, who is studying design in Florida, said his partner should be at least 6ft 3in. Due to having the longest legs, he has to face various problems while riding in a plane or car or buying clothes.

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