The Dhaka Times
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Train brake failure because of ants!

The Dhaka Times Desk An ant is a very small animal. But its scope is huge. The reason it is called huge is because this small animal stopped a huge train. The reason is that the train brake failed for the ant!

train brakes & ant

An ant is a small animal. What is his power? We do not think so? But what is it really? Although small, the group of ants performs great tasks one after the other. As he did this time. A group of ants stopped a train in India! The cause of a huge train brake failure is this ant! Only 6-12 mm tiny red ants to suffer a strange experience or the railway authorities of Mumbai, India!

This is what happened last Tuesday. A local train in Mumbai suddenly breaks down on the way. To find the cause, the brake box of the train was opened and thousands of ants were nested there. It became clear that it was this tiny animal that derailed a train carrying hundreds of passengers.

According to media reports, a local train called 'Kalyan' in Mumbai suburbs was approaching Matunga station at around 1 o'clock that day and the driver pressed the train's brakes. But when this did not stop the train, he quickly pressed the brakes of the electric power. However, if this brake did not work, as a last resort, he pressed the emergency brake of the train and saved himself from the accident with a strong shock, finally the train stopped.

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