The Dhaka Times
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'Gangster Returns' releases today

The Dhaka Times Desk In most cases, the dates are pushed back, but in the case of 'Gangster Returns', the opposite happened. The release date has been changed and brought forward.

Gangster Returns

The release date of Apoorva-Piya starrer 'Gangster Returns' has been fixed a week earlier today, November 27, Friday.

Meanwhile, Apurba is not able to come up with any plans for his first film due to the sudden advance of the release date. Apoorva and Piya have sought blessings from the living legend of Bengali film Nayakraj Razzak for the release of their film. Yesterday morning at 10 o'clock he appeared at 'Lakshmikunj' in Gulshan of the capital. Nayakraj Razzak was then talking about the rules of co-production films after breakfast.

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Nayakraj came to the drawing room knowing that Apurva and Piya had come to meet him. Both of them saluted Nayakraj and wished him good luck for his upcoming film Gangster Returns. Nayakraj said, 'I have heard that the film has done very well overall. Of course I wish the audience would go to see it. Moreover, our children have worked hard in the film. The audience should also go to the cinema hall to see how it was done.

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Meanwhile, Apoorva said that he was first impressed by Nayakraj's film 'Rangbaaz'. The words of that film still ring in his heart.

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