The Dhaka Times
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10 years in the internet cafe with pride!

The Dhaka Times Desk A young woman spent 10 years in an Internet cafe! The girl named Xiao Yun had been living in an internet cafe for the past decade.

Huff Internet cafe 10 years

According to media reports, Xiao Yun's parents assumed that their daughter might be dead. The only girl ran away from home 10 years ago. He was not found later. Last week, Chinese police found the 24-year-old woman in good health. The girl had been living in an internet cafe for the past decade.

According to a report by Star Online, the girl ran away from home at the age of 14 after quarreling with her parents. Since then he used to hang out at internet cafes and spend time playing 'cross fire' games.

The police investigated and found out that Xiao Yun used a fake ID card to enter the cafe on the Internet. When the matter came to light, the police brought him to the police station. He admits that he wouldn't do these things but he used to live in another cafe. Sometimes the young woman also worked as an accountant to earn money.

After some resistance, Xiao Yun finally agreed to meet his parents. Yoon's parents never even changed their phone numbers in hopes that their daughter would call.

Yun's mother Qianjing told the media, 'I'm a bit stubborn and bad-tempered. So I used to really scold him. Now almost 10 years have passed, he has also grown up. I promise I will never scold him again.' Parents are now very happy to have their daughter back.

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