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This online stolen brain for sale!

The Dhaka Times Desk Products are being sold online recently. But there is an exceptional product sold in Indiana in North America and that is the brain! Stolen brains sold online.

online sale of stolen gray matter

Such a news in the media has surprised everyone recently! A person stole the brain stored in a museum in Indiana, North America and sold it online! Of course, the thief has also been caught. The lost brain was finally recovered by the police.

It is known that such an incident happened in a medical museum in Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana, North America. A 23-year-old man named David Charles stole from the museum several times. Each time the goal was to steal human brains specially preserved in glass jars. David stole at least 80 such jars. Not only that, he also ran away with several human tissues.

The thief David later sold the stolen brain on the online shopping portal E-Bay. A resident of San Francisco bought 6 jars of brains for 600 dollars. However, he immediately reported the matter to the police. San Francisco police arrested David Charles in a joint investigation with Indianapolis police. A piece of paper with David's blood is also found in the museum.

It is known that the Marion Country Court sentenced the thief David Charles to one year of house arrest and two years of police surveillance. Later the stolen brain and other stolen items were also recovered. What else? 'Seven days of the thief, and one day of the householder'!

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