The Dhaka Times
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The price of a flat is 160 crore!

The Dhaka Times Desk Anyone would be surprised to hear such a thing. Because the price of a flat is 160 crore! Even luxury homes that cost so much? This question may come.

160 crore for a flat price

This is also one of the many funny and amazing events that happen in the world. Because the price of a flat cannot be so much. So this is a completely different matter. Expensive homes with luxury beyond measure. A luxury flat with such facilities has been sold for Tk 160 crore. This flat is sold in India.

According to news reports, a pharmaceutical company has spent Rs 160 crore on this luxurious duplex in Ultramount Road, Mumbai. It is reported that they have bought the duplex at the rate of 1 lakh 60 thousand per square feet.

It should be noted that the purchase of flats of such huge value in the Indian market has never happened before.

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