The Dhaka Times
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Paddy harvesting and our farmers

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Tuesday, 8 December 2015 Christ, 24 Agrahayan 1422 Bengal, 25 Safar 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Dhan kata and our farmers

Even today the scene of our village. The reason for this is that the village is our existence. Without the village we would not exist.

Have we ever tried to find out how the people in the village where we have pulses are? Today's scene is of the village people whose profession is agriculture. Now is the time to harvest rice. Returning home with paddy is truly a joy for the farmer. Thanks to its photographer for such a beautiful picture this morning.

Photo: Courtesy of

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