The Dhaka Times
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A smartphone that can be washed with soap and water!

The Dhaka Times Desk If the mobile falls into water, it becomes invalid. So it is kept far away from water. But now there is a smartphone that can be washed with soap and water!

wash with water

You may have never thought of such a thing before. Because once your mobile phone fell into water, it was completely destroyed. But now you may be shocked to hear such a news. But it's true.

You don't even have to think long. Because a Japanese organization claims to have found a solution to such a problem. Now you can easily wash your smartphone with soap and water.

The company told the media, 'Our development team has tested this smartphone by washing it more than 700 times.' This issue has also been highlighted in the company's online advertisement. For now, this smartphone will only be available in the Japanese market. However, the organization has warned that it cannot be washed with all kinds of soap.

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