The Dhaka Times
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Elias Kanchan is again directing

The Dhaka Times Desk Ilyas Kanchan, a powerful actor of the country's films, is coming to direct again. The actor, who made his directorial debut in 2008, will soon be seen directing a film.

Elias Kanchan director again

We all know that Ilyas Kanchan is one of the powerful actors in the country's films. Elias Kanchan won the hearts of the country's audience by acting in numerous films and won the National Film Award.

Apart from acting, Shaktiman was also involved in the social movement 'To prevent road accidents'. This talented actor also made his directorial debut in 2008. Ilyas Kanchan will soon be seen directing the film again. Ilyas Kanchan said that he has already finalized the story of the film.

Ilyas Kanchan said, 'Soon I will start the film after the final discussion with the film producer.' When asked about the story of the film, Elias Kanchan further said, 'It is a love story. Not the kind of love we usually see in movies these days. In the film, an attempt has been made to present the obstacles faced by a struggling girl in a beautiful way.'

Note that the first film directed by Elias Kanchan was 'Baba Amar Baba'. In 2010 Ilyas Kanchan directed the film 'Mayer Sapna'. Ilyas Kanchan will be seen as a director again after 5 long years.

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