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New technology coming instead of smartphones?

The Dhaka Times Desk As the day goes by, the excellence of technology is spreading worldwide. New technology is born. Just such a news. And that is replacing the smartphone with a new technology!

Smartphone technology has changed

The advancement of global technology is taking human civilization to a higher peak. In the era of mobiles, the era of smartphones has come in a short period of time. But that era also seems not to last long. Technology experts say that within the next 5 years, new technologies are coming to take the place of smartphones.

According to news media, recently Sweden-based communication technology and service provider Ericsson has found in a study that artificial intelligence will take over the place of mobile technology by 2021.

The news also said that Ericsson's survey company Consumer Lab conducted this survey among 100,000 consumers in at least 40 countries including Sweden. Half of those polled think smartphone technology will be obsolete by 2021. Instead, various functions of artificial intelligence will gradually spread.

Rebecca Sedering, a researcher at the Consumer Lab, said, 'Having a smartphone in hand while driving or cooking is really not useful at all. Apart from this sometimes the smartphone screen is not very convenient either. However, in the next 5 years, smartphones will be considered as old technology.

The Telegraph quoted researcher Rebecca Sedering as predicting, 'Technologies to increase people's leisure time will come at some point. Then it will be possible for people to do various kinds of work at the same time.' According to them, technological excellence will gradually spread. People will gradually move forward.

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