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Speaking against Muslims, Trump's family doctor is Muslim!

The Dhaka Times Desk Who has gained notoriety to the world by speaking so long against Muslims, the family doctor of US presidential nominee Donald Trump is also a Muslim!

Trump & Muslim Family Physicians

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's doctor, who has become a hot topic in the media in recent times, is also a Muslim. His own grandmother, Louise, strongly condemned the speech to ban Muslims from entering the United States. The 91-year-old Lewis entered into discussions last Friday about his position against his grandson. Israel, which is a staunch opponent of Muslims, also protested Trump's statement!

According to media reports, Trump's grandmother's doctor is a Muslim immigrant doctor. His doctor, Fahim Rahim, has been living in the United States since 1997. Raheem has been providing kidney treatment for Lewis for several years. In a local radio interview last week, Trump's grandmother Louise asked her kidney doctor to protest Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric.

The doctor Rahim told ABC News that Lewis made such comments out of love for people and a sense of humanity. But it seems very surprising to us. Lewis valued everyone as a person, not a religion. His comments proved that no power can destroy or separate human bonds.

It should be noted that Trump's grandmother's kind speech towards people has brought a bit of a breath of fresh air especially for the Muslims living in the country. The Republican leader has recently come under fire for his offensive anti-Muslim remarks. His statement has sparked global condemnation.

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