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Shopping in advance before death: even in groups!

The Dhaka Times Desk Preparing for death is not a bad thing, but it only applies to Muslims. But this happened to non-Muslims in Japan. They did shopping in advance before death!

Shopping in advance before death

If we ever think of being buried alive. Then let's get up. How will it look after it dies again?

In Islam, it is said to think more about death. It is said to always be ready for death. So that people refrain from short-term worldly temptations. And so many choose the cloth of the shroud and even their own burial place. But this is not seen in any other religion.

Recently, a popular festival in Japan became 'Shakatsu Festa'. The word shakatsu means preparation for death. At least 5 thousand people attended this festival. They even looked at which clothes would match with which coffin. They also took photos of themselves with their eyes closed in the coffin wearing death clothes! A total of 50 coffin companies participated in this festival.

In addition to looking at clothes and coffins, these people also took a look at the makeup of death! What kind of hairstyle will be at the time of death or what kind of makeup will look best at the time of death, those people also took part in this festival to see!

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