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Heartbeat outside the body: still alive a Russian girl!

The Dhaka Times Desk A story happened about a girl in Russia, which surprised even the medical scientists. That is, a Russian daughter is alive despite the heartbeat outside the body!

Heart outside the body

According to media reports, 6-year-old Virsavia Varun of Russia. Truly a miracle baby! Because his whole life is a big struggle. The girl was born with her heart and intestines outside her chest and abdomen. His heartbeat can be seen and heard. It is outside the chest, near the abdomen.

Born in Russia, he now moves to South Florida with his mother. Virsavia Varun was born with various physical disabilities since birth. According to medical studies, only 5.5 percent of every one lakh children are affected by the disease so far.

This girl Virsavia's heartbeat can be seen because the heart does its work in a place near the abdomen. which is covered with a very thin layer of skin. He is now in the US for treatment. Because all the hospitals in Russia repeatedly returned her mother for this complicated type of disease. She is currently studying English in South Florida. No school authority admitted him because of his physical condition. Even without treatment, the little girl is enjoying dancing, singing and drawing. Mother and daughter hope that he will get proper treatment in time. He can return to normal life again. And that hope still keeps them alive.

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