The Dhaka Times
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Dr. is being released tomorrow on December 25. 'Heaven to Hell' by Arup Ratan Chowdhury

The Dhaka Times Desk Dr. is being released tomorrow on December 25. Arup Ratan Chowdhury's movie 'Swarga Toni Narok' is about the horrors of drugs.

Sargo Theke Norok

The creator of the movie Dr. Arup Ratan Chowdhury wrote its story, dialogues and screenplay. Dr. Arup Ratan Chowdhury said, 'This film will be screened not only in cinema halls, but also in villages and villages. This film has been made with social awareness in mind. It will be officially released on December 25.

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Incidentally, it should be noted that Dr. has been associated with the anti-drug movement for almost 3 decades. Arup Ratan Chowdhury. He is always trying to create awareness about the dangers of drugs through his own organization, the Drug Addiction Prevention Organization (MANS). To make people aware of the horrors of drugs in that direction, he made the film 'From Heaven to Hell'.

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It starred Ilyas Kanchan, Ferdous, Nipun, Rahmat Ali, Sharmili Ahmed, Wahida Mallik Jolly, Ahmed Sharif and others. The music of the film is directed by Eamon Saha. Produced by Narcotics and Narcotics Control Organization (MANS).
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