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Indian and Pakistani ordered to be killed by firing squad for killing their wives

The Dhaka Times Desk Indian and Pakistani have been ordered to be killed by firing squad for killing their wives. A court in Dubai has given this order.

killing his wife

According to media reports, a Dubai court has ordered an Indian citizen and his Pakistani friend Duthjan to be shot in front. The crime of these two is that they brutally killed the wife after they found out about the extra-marital affair.

It is known that in September 2013, that Indian citizen and Pakistani citizen killed a woman together. The woman was the wife of the Indian citizen. The Indian man beat her husband because he found out about his extramarital affair.

He then strangled his wife and dumped her body in a bag in a vacant lot on the outskirts of Dubai. In this incident, the Indian man was helped by his Pakistani friend. Both were arrested. They confessed to the murder under police questioning. During cross-examination, they said that the Indian man's Pakistani friend booked the plane ticket to help him escape to the country. The Indian national said his wife wanted a divorce. But he could never give the allowance he demanded. And so he was murdered. Both were found guilty in a Dubai court.

The court has announced the sentence of standing in front of the firing squad. Both appealed for a reduced sentence. However, the court rejected the application. Now this dual citizen has no option to go to the firing square.

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