The Dhaka Times
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A person runs the school with money from the sale of tea! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Everything is possible for people if they want. For example, a person named D Prakash, a tea seller, proved this. He runs the school with money from the sale of tea!

A man selling tea at the school run

Everything is possible for people if they want to. A tea seller named D Prakash proved exactly that. He has been running a school with money from tea sales. Which shocked everyone. Because even if you don't have money, you can do anything if you want, Prakash has done that. In this case only a big mind is needed. Which is not in everyone. And those who have a desire to do great things cannot be restrained. A burning proof of this is D Prakash, a tea seller from Cuttack, India.

He could not study for a day. So he removed his regret or frustration of not being able to study by teaching children education with his own earnings. He regularly spends half of his income from selling tea every month for the education of poor children. A school for underprivileged children runs on his own money in Cuttack, India. Where now the number of students is more than 70!

Sangbad told the media that Prakash had to pick up a tea kettle when he was only 7 years old. Prakash grew up one day while selling tea to the passengers of long-distance trains standing at the station. And so he could not devote time to study.

The 58-year-old Prakash today fills the gap in childhood education by providing reading and writing to poor children. He wants to spend the rest of his life like this - told the media. It is true that he himself could not read and write for a day, but by spreading the light of education to many poor children, he is pointing fingers in the eyes of the rich people of the society that if you want to do something great, you only need willpower.

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