The Dhaka Times
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Musician Shakila Zafar's wedding

The Dhaka Times Desk Musician Shakila Zafar got married again at the end of her life. He also confirmed his marriage to the media. Her new life partner is Ravi Sharma.

Married singer Shakila Zafar

Rumors were heard for a long time about the marriage of musician Shakila Zafar. Finally three admitted his marriage. After ending a long period of loneliness, he got married again.

Shakeel's ups and downs with his new life partner Ravi Sharma, who has been known for almost two and a half years. Finally, this popular musician completed the marriage ceremony at home.

Singer Shakila, who is famous for 'You are my first morning', told various media after marriage, 'Ravi is a business man but he is a poet. Some time ago, an album of songs written by him called Moonlight Whisper was released by the Indian production company Times Music. When this album was released in Mumbai, I was there.'

Shakila Zafar also said, 'I have known and known Ravi for many days. He is a good person. Our understanding is also good. I was alone too. So we decided to get married on the basis of mutual agreement. Everyone in my family liked Ravi very much.'

It should be noted that after a long time of divorce with engineer husband Manna, this popular musician Shakila Zafar got married for the second time.

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