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New 'Segnet' system for driverless cars!

The Dhaka Times Desk This time a new 'Segnet' system has been developed for driverless cars. The discovery by Cambridge University scientists will be a major breakthrough for driverless cars.

Self-driven cars for new 'segnet' system

Discovered this new 'Segnet' system. Able to identify roads, street signs, road markers, people and even the sky by analyzing the red, green and blue rays of light.

The system can identify different levels of light and color by analyzing the surrounding RGB images through a 'Bayesian' analysis process, according to a news release by technology site TechCrunch.

This newly discovered 'Segnet' itself is capable of identifying the position of itself and various objects around it within a few meters. That means it's more advanced than Segnet GPS and doesn't require a wireless connection to analyze and report images, the report notes.

In this regard, the head of the research team, Professor Roberto Cipola, said, 'This type of technology is very likely to be seen in robots used in household work, such as robotic vacuum cleaners. But it will take more time for drivers to fully rely on autonomous vehicles. The more we can perfect and implement this kind of technology, the more we will move towards the widespread adoption of autonomous cars.'

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