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Now go to the plane and beg!

2015/09/07 Picture by Georgie Gillard Pictured: Petru Neagh, 29 from Romania, is pictured begging outside the food hall at Selfridges after he was pictured sending his begging profits back home to Romania at a post office in Edgware Road this morning.

The Dhaka Times Desk One cannot but be surprised to read such news. But the story is true. A couple is now begging on the plane!

2015/09/07 Picture by Georgie Gillard Pictured: Petru Neagh, 29 from Romania, is pictured begging outside the food hall at Selfridges after he was pictured sending his begging profits back home to Romania at a post office in Edgware Road this morning.

People beg. This is nothing new. But so begging on the plane! Such a thing was never heard before, but this time it was heard. Go to the plane or a couple beg!

This incident did not happen in London. Because it's festive season there. So a gypsy couple from Romania has come to beg in this city by plane in the hope of good income! They are also making good profits. Two days a week, Saturday and Sunday, they earn about 800 pounds from this begging. That's why 38 pounds (about 5 thousand rupees) of air fare is not on them, this couple Ankuta (25) and Petru (29) two people!

They told the media that this couple came to London to beg for their children. They beg in front of shops on Oxford Street, the heart of London. On Monday they send this alms money to their children in Lassi town.
This gypsy couple lives with their mother in Ankuta, Lassi town with 4 children. Ankuta is going to give birth to another child soon.

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