The Dhaka Times
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Save the lives of 6 dead children by donating their organs!

The Dhaka Times Desk A parent saved 6 lives by donating the organs of a dead child! One such incident happened in India. The dead child's kidney, heart valve, liver and eyes were used by his parents.

dead child's organ donation 6 save lives

Only a 5-year-old child! Little Janasruthi was going to school holding her mother's hand. An accident happened in the middle of the road. After first aid, he was sent home from a private hospital, but it was only after a day that the crisis was not over. Janasruthi's physical condition gradually deteriorated. He was shifted to a reputed hospital in Coimbatore. Still did not respond to treatment. The doctors declared that he had 'brain death'.

Naturally, Janasruthi's parents were devastated by the death of their only child. Later they decided to donate her daughter's body. The doctors were also shocked at first by this decision to donate the girl's body. There is usually no such precedent.

The doctors told the media that the girl's kidney, heart valve, liver and eyes were used. They sent a kidney and a liver to a hospital in Chennai in a special plane. And in the hospital where Janasruti was admitted, a kidney was transplanted in a patient's body. It has been possible to treat 6 dementia patients with organs donated by Janasruthi. 6 lives have been saved due to this donation.

The child's parents are also proud of saving the lives of 6 people. Her father, a cook at a government hostel in Coimbatore, said, 'This way our daughter will survive among others.' Indeed, they are one proud parent!

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