The Dhaka Times Desk After being stuck for a long time, the work of the film 'Dudu Mia' is over! The shooting of this film started in December 2012.
Even after its release in December 2012, the hope for the film was almost extinguished due to the delay for a long time. Since then, for the last few years, it has reached the state of 'not even finished'. The two main actors are Amin Khan and Nausheen. They may have forgotten or given up hope. After such a long time, 'Dudu Mia' has a momentum again.
"Dudu Mia" director Dayel Rahman said, "Finally managed to finish shooting." The last scene was shot on December 5 last year. 'Dudu Mia' was made in the capital's Banashree court set.
It is said about the story, the story of the film 'Dudu Mia' is mainly based on the struggle and life story of Dudu Mia, one of the leaders of the Faraji movement and who took part in the armed struggle against the British rule in India.
Director Dial Rahman also said that the editing work is almost finished. Dubbing is going on now. After all the work, the film is expected to be released in April.
The film's heroine Nausheen said, 'My part was finished long ago.' However, no plan regarding the release of the film has been communicated to him yet.