The Dhaka Times
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The story of a modern beggar who begs on a credit card! [video]

A beggar is asking for alms on a debit/credit card!

The Dhaka Times Desk Today we have for you the story of a modern beggar who begs on a credit card! Anyone can be surprised to hear this. You will understand by watching the video.

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We know that beggars go door to door asking for money. But have you ever heard of a beggar asking for alms on a debit/credit card!

Just such a news surprised everyone. Because a modern-day beggar begs with a credit card. One such beggar has been reported. The one who pulls out the ATM card swipe machine and says, 'You can pay with a debit card!'

One such amazing incident started on the streets of Hyderabad, India. Everyone present was surprised to see the ATM card swipe machine in the hands of the beggar.

'You can pay with a debit card!' The two travelers were shocked to hear such words. The beggar took out an ATM card swipe machine from his bag and immediately said, 'Even if you don't have cash, there is no problem, you can use the card if you want!'

Almost everyone present is shocked to see such a beggar! Common people say, the touch of modernity has now also caught the beggars!

Look at the beggar's trunk
