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Smart technology is coming to the suitcase!

The Dhaka Times Desk Various smart technologies including smartphones, smart watches have spread all over the world. Now that smart technology is coming to the suitcase! Smart suitcase is coming!

Smart suitcase is coming

After smartphones, smart TVs, smart watches and smart rings, smart suitcases are coming to the world of technology. This product does not need to be carried like an existing travel bag or suitcase. It will include a technology, due to which the device will automatically follow its owner. The product was unveiled at 'CES 2016', a tech festival in Las Vegas.

Smart suitcase is coming-2

Business Insider and PC World reported that a company named NUA Robotics is making this smart suitcase. However, this product is still in the experimental stage. However, the manufacturer has claimed that they will release the product in the market within the next one year.

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Regarding the device, Alex Liebman, co-founder and CEO of NUA Robotics, told the media that any product can be smart and robotic. The idea of bringing smart and robotic products to every aspect of daily life is basically trying to make this smart suitcase.

According to the manufacturer, this device will have a camera sensor and Bluetooth to follow the owner. Basically, if this Bluetooth smartphone is connected to a specific app with the help of Bluetooth, it will follow the owner by knowing his location. This is how smart suitcases will become popular, manufacturers think.

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