Categories: international news

Horns on a person's head in China!

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that cows, buffaloes or goats have horns. But so the horns on people's heads? Have you ever heard of such a thing before? A man in China has horns!

As children, we used to see that if someone was hit on the head once, they would be hit again immediately. Because it was thought that if you don't hit the hill twice, the head will grow horns. And because of this fear, if for some reason it was hit once, it was given twice. But now we understand very well that these are just superstitions. In fact, no such incident has been seen till date. But this time, a woman in China has really grown horns. So did he hit someone on the head once? A question that anyone can ask.

According to media reports, 87-year-old Liang Xiuzhen, a resident of southwest China's Sichuan Province, has grown a 5-inch long horn instead of 1 or 2 inches. Doctors cannot find any explanation for this increase.

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Liang Xiuzhen told the media that the incident started 8 years ago. A black wart suddenly appeared on his head where the horn was now visible. He then took herbal treatment to cure this wart. But to no avail. It grows very slowly.

He said that two years ago, the wart suddenly burst. Then a horn like a small finger comes out from inside. Since then it has been increasing steadily. Which is now 5 inches tall. Doctors couldn't find any reason for it. They are trying to find out the scientific reason for this.

This post was last modified on জুলাই ৪, ২০২৪ 3:16 pm

Staff reporter

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