The Dhaka Times
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"Rakhe Allah mare ke": save life by jumping under the train!

The Dhaka Times Desk As the saying goes, Allah keeps who kills. So what is the problem with the grace of the creator himself? A woman jumped under the train and finally saved her life!

save lives by jumping under a train

According to media reports, a woman named Sumita Devi suddenly fell in front of the moving train while crossing the level crossing. He moved quickly and jumped to another line on the side. But unfortunately, he fell into danger as the train was moving on another line as well. The woman lay down on the railway line without any help. The woman from Jamshedpur, India regained a new life with her present intelligence.

According to media reports, the incident happened last Sunday. The woman named Sumtia came to a relative's house in Telkalpara, Purulia. While crossing the unguarded level crossing, he suddenly fell in front of the speeding train. As the train came from one side, Sumita Devi stood on the other line. However, he was shocked when the train suddenly came on the other line as well. By then there was no time to go the other way either.

Despite the situation, he quickly lay down on the line with the present intelligence. A freight train of 56 compartments passes over it. Everyone witnessed the incident. Meanwhile, panicked people gathered. But after the train left, Sumita Devi was not scratched at all. He is unharmed. Later he was rescued from there. He is healthy.

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