The Dhaka Times
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The goat was rescued by pressing the stomach of the python!

The Dhaka Times Desk Never heard of that before. It was heard that the two swallowed goats were rescued by pressing the python's stomach!


Such a scene can only be imagined by those who have seen the Anaconda series of films. But so far, even though snakes that swallow whole people have not been seen, pythons that swallow goats and rabbits are often seen.

According to a news published in the media, recently in Kerala, South India, one such python swallowed two goats of a local farmer. But that farmer is also a slave. Live or dead, both domestic animals want it back. So when the snake was returning after the hunt, he caught the snake on the village road. Not only that, he pressed the belly of the snake and brought out two goats.

In a video footage, the farmer can be seen putting the snake between his legs and pressing its stomach in a desperate manner. At one point, he opened the mouth of the snake and brought out two goats. However, by then the beloved goats had died.

The python managed to reach the highway after eating two of the farmer's goats. Then the villagers sensed and chased the snake. The snake did not even realize that it was eating a little more than it needed while hunting due to hunger. Because of which the snake failed to escape. However, nothing is known about the fate of the 6 feet long snake.

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