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Cigarettes are banned in Turkmenistan!

The Dhaka Times Desk Cigarettes are banned in Turkmenistan. A shop-by-shop search is being carried out. All tobacco products including cigarettes are banned there.

Turkemenistane banned cigarette

According to the BBC report, all tobacco products, including cigarettes, have been banned in Turkmenistan. According to a report, the shops that sell cigarettes from now on will be fined 6,900 manats (local currency), the Vienna-based web portal Krono-TM said.

Turkmenistan's national health program monitoring authority previously focused on drug prevention. The agency is currently conducting shop-to-shop raids to stop the sale of cigarettes.

Various sources in the country told the BBC that cigarettes are no longer available in shops in Turkmenistan after the ban. However, the sale of black cigarettes is going on secretly. Cigarettes are being sold at $12 per pack in the black market. Meanwhile, in addition to the directive to stop selling cigarettes, the government of Turkmenistan has continued various public awareness advertisements and campaigns.

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