The Dhaka Times
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New phones and tablets: do not harm sleep!

The Dhaka Times Desk A new phone and tablet has been invented that will not harm your sleep! The manufacturing companies have said that the initiative to create such a device has been taken so as not to spoil sleep.

New phones tablets and sleep

The biggest complaint against these companies is that their devices emit too bright light. A blue light is emitted from them, which destroys the ability of people to sleep. Both Apple and Amazon have recently announced that they will create a phone and tablet that will not disturb sleep.

Top doctors have welcomed the initiatives of these companies. British doctor Professor Paul Greengrass said, "This initiative is really good."

Scientists say that there is a physical mechanism for human sleep. That is, as the night progresses, the body starts releasing the hormone melatonin responsible for sleep. However, the blue and green light emitted from tablets and smartphones creates obstacles in the body's production of hormones. That causes sleep loss.

Professor Gringas has researched and shown that the new generation of smartphones and tablets coming to the market is much brighter than the other.

Studies have shown that this light causes sleep disturbances, i.e. delays. Moreover, the sleep is not deep, nor is it a thin sleep. I also feel very tired after waking up in the morning.

Phone companies have not given much importance to these studies so far. They used to avoid things. But now they are under pressure from the side of consumers - say scientists. There is a fear among many companies that someone can file a case against them on this charge. That's why Apple has announced, in their next generation they will introduce 'Night Shift' option. Officials feel that there will be no problem with sleep due to this. Depending on what time of day you are using this phone, the device will emit light. Amazon has already acknowledged this problem!

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