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The woman claims to have a relationship with the ghost! 'Spectrophilia' in scientific terms

The Dhaka Times Desk A woman claims a relationship with ghosts! In scientific terms that is called 'Spectrophilia'. Siam Jameson almost shocked the woman.

science & ghost woman

As usually happens in movies, the woman claimed almost as much. Siam, a resident of North London, claims that he has an incorporeal (ghost) partner, who has understood Siam's physical needs!

That woman Siam claims that the body is really handsome. They played physical games for an hour. Even Siam A says that the man named Robert died 100 years ago.

No matter what he says, it is impossible to accept Siam's claim on logic. But many women besides Siam have been heard making such claims before.

This is explained in science. This type of problem is called 'spectrophilia'. That is, physical attraction to demons. As soon as Siam's claim came to light, another woman named Amethyst Relam chimed in. He claims that his emotional bond with his non-physical partner is extremely strong. Amethyst claims her marriage broke up because her fiance saw the two of them together. Then he had a 3-year relationship with that body!

A similar claim was made by 52-year-old Ann Elizabeth. He says that he has broken up several relationships. Every time after the breakup, a physical person came to satisfy him.

Psychologists say that after falling asleep, the muscles of the body relax. And so in many cases the brain wakes up in that state. That is why at this time it may seem that someone is touching your body or breathing down your neck.

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