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Pakistan has withdrawn the ban on hunting rare birds!

The Dhaka Times Desk Pakistan has lifted the ban on hunting of the rare species of 'Hubara Bastard' bird. This ban has been revoked by the Supreme Court of the country.

Hubara basatarda Birds

According to media reports, last year the Supreme Court of Pakistan banned the hunting of this 'Hubara Bastard' bird.

According to the news, the hunters believe that the meat of the bird has sexual stimulating power. Every year many hunters from Middle East and Gulf countries come to Pakistan to hunt it. The government of Pakistan challenged the ruling of the Supreme Court ban arguing that if the bird hunting ban continues, the investments of those countries in various underdeveloped areas of Pakistan will decrease and Pakistan's relations with the Middle East countries may deteriorate.

Major investors in Pakistan's domestic sector are mainly Middle Eastern countries. Apart from this, the Middle East countries are at the top in the export of manpower from Pakistan. Prior to last year's ban, Pakistan's foreign ministry had set a 10-day annual limit for hunters to hunt the bird and 100 birds to be hunted during that period.

Hubara basatarda Birds-2

This Hubara bird looks a lot like a rooster. At one time it was found in large numbers in the Arabian Peninsula, but now the Hubara bird is in danger of extinction.

According to the information of the International Union of the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), there are about 50,000 to 100,000 Hubara in the world. The organization has placed this bird in the list of animals that are in danger of existence.

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