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This smartphone is coming for the blind!

The Dhaka Times Desk Smartphones are coming for the blind. This new smartphone is being brought for the purpose that visually impaired people are not left behind in this era of smartphones.

smartphone for blind

The biggest challenge of this smartphone was the display. Professors at the University of Michigan in the United States did the impossible. They invented a touchscreen tablet that the blind can use. Due to lack of eyesight, they had to use feature phones until now. A type of dot technology is said to have been used in France in the early 19th century to send messages to soldiers to avoid the enemy.

Through this technology, messages could be read with the touch of fingers even in deep darkness. Louis Braille invented this technology. In this technology of 6 dots letters, words and letters could be written and read. Besides, there were 3 dots in two rows. Each dot was called a 'cell'.

University of Michigan professors Seeley and Modrain, associate professor Brent Gillespie and PhD student Alexander Russomanno are working on a technology that allows the visually impaired to read the entirety of a display. It uses microfluidics. Used with small amounts of liquids and gases. Although this technology of reading the display through the touch of fingers is not new. However, the bubbles created on the microfluidics by touching the touchscreen are a good tool for the visually impaired to see.

The Michigan research team hopes to have this device on the market soon. And then blind people will be able to talk on smartphones through it.

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