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There is a drug that can remember dreams! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Most of the dreams we have during sleep are not remembered after morning. Now a drug has been discovered through which dreams can be remembered!

Which is a medicine can not remember dream

We dream while we sleep. But most dreams are not remembered after morning. That is why many people forget to remember what he actually saw in the dream. A new drug has been discovered - Dreamleaf. By playing it, the dream will be vividly remembered - there will be no reason to forget. However, this new discovery has caused a stir around the world.

Dreams have been researched for a long time. The question why people dream has come to everyone's mind. Many medical scientists, starting with Sigmund Freud, have studied dreams. But no one could give a proper explanation. Although scientists could not discover the interpretation of dreams, this time a drug was discovered to see dreams clearly and remember them.

The manufacturer says the drug will induce lucid dreaming and control dreams. Also, this medicine will increase the ability to remember dreams.

"Dreamleaf is a very effective drug for lucid dreaming," says the instructions for Dreamleaf, a drug for remembering dreams. It guarantees maximum satisfaction. buyers will definitely be happy with this medicine.' More on the bottle of Dreamleaf, Dreamleaf is a smart way to lucid dream. The Dreamleaf bottle will contain two pills, red and blue.

The two pills will have different effects on sleep. The blue pill is made with 5-HTP dietary supplements. It will also relieve depression. Red color pill is formulated with herbal and nutritional ingredients. It contains alpha GDC components. It will help people think logically in sleep. The price of 60 pills is Rs 2,500.
It is reported that the drug can be purchased through, a multinational company that sells products online.

After consuming Dreamleaf, one person wrote on Amazon's web page that Dreamleaf medicine works well. It worked great on the first bottle. A new world of my dreams has been created. I felt like I was flying in a dream. I flew in a dream. I have traveled to beautiful places.

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