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The Italian government covered the naked sculpture of the Iranian president!

The Dhaka Times Desk Iranian President Hassan Rouhani's visit to Italy covered all the naked sculptures of the Italian government! They have been covered up for fear of embarrassing Iran's president.

covered nude sculpture

During the visit of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani to Italy, the Italian government has covered some of the nude sculptures in that country. Iran's president and Italy's prime minister hold talks after the trade deal at an Italian museum. But there are some nude sculptures in that museum. The nude sculptures were covered up for fear that the president of Iran might be embarrassed by them.

On the other hand, the Italian government does not allow any alcohol during official dinners. Because the Islamic state of Iran strictly prohibits drinking alcohol according to religious rules. Although the Italian government has taken various steps to respect the religious sentiments of the Iranian president, France will not imitate them at all. The next visit of Iran's president, who is currently on a European tour, is France. Iranian President Rouhani is currently visiting Europe with the aim of increasing economic cooperation after the lifting of the blockade.

Meanwhile, Rouhani said to Italian businessmen that Iran is the safest and most stable country in the Middle East. He also said that economic development is the only way to counter extremism. Unemployment breeds terrorism. During his visit to Italy, the President of Iran also met Pope Francis.

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