The Dhaka Times
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Cobra fight with dogs! [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk Never heard of a fight between a dog and a snake before. But today that impenetrable fight will be seen. The video of the cobra fight with the dog has created quite a stir!

Dog fight with Cobra

This video of dog and cobra fight is very short i.e. short duration. Must see the 25 second time! But once you see it, you won't be satisfied. Will want to watch it again and again.

It is a king cobra and 5 dog fight. It is difficult to find a person who is not afraid of the King Cobra. See what the fight is in this video. The hood of the snake is only one. But the opponent is not one five-five dogs! So the cobra was biting and biting.

The whole world is watching such a fight. So what's the point of delaying? Watch the video.

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