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Al Fateh Grand Mosque in Bahrain

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Today is Friday, 5 February 2016 Christ, 23 Magh 1422 Bangabd, 25 Rabius Sunny 1437 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

Al Fateh Grand Mosque, Bahrain

The picture you are looking at is the Al Fateh Grand Mosque in Bahrain. It is the largest fiber glass mosque in the world.

The world's largest fiber glass mosque is located in Bahrain. Fiber glass is a combination of many fine and strong fibers of glass. It is used as a thermal and electrical insulator and to reinforce various polymers. Fiberglass products are extremely strong, durable and light in weight.

The magnificent Al-Fateh Mosque is considered to be the largest mosque in Bahrain. The mosque was named in memory of Ahmed Al-Fatehr, the conqueror of Bahrain. The construction of this mosque began in 1984 during the reign of Sheikh Isa Ibn Salman Al Khalifa. The mosque was opened for worshipers in 1988.

It is known that the area of 6,500 square meters is full of various handicrafts. The interior is rich with Italian marble stone floors and ancient architectural 'Kufic' calligraphy on the walls. These calligraphies are decorated with verses from Quran and Hadith. At least 7,000 worshipers can pray together in this mosque in a peaceful atmosphere.

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